1. What are the eight principles of effective instruction?
  2. Describe the similarities and differences in the principles of effective tecnology and media utilization.
  3. What is the text literacy


1. What are the eight principles of effective instruction?

a) Commit to teaching underprepared students
b) Demonstrate good command of the subject matter and the ability to teach a diverse student population
c) Address noncognitive issues that affect learning
d) Provide open and responsive learning environments
e) Communicate high standards
f) Engage in ongoing evaluation and professional development
g) Care about helping your kids to do the best that they can
h) Continue learning ways that you can be of even more help to more students

Resourcers : http://ncde.appstate.edu/sites/ncde.appstate.edu/files/Principles%20for%20Effective%20Teaching.pdf

The Society’s Principles of Effective Teaching

2. Describe the similarities and differences in the principles of effective tecnology and media utilization.

a) The similarities principles of effective tecnology and media utilization is both need all specific literacy.

b) Require guidline or guidance in using tool in effective learning and in the same time give them learn using about technology.

c) Student need to develope their skill in tecnology.

d) For media utilization teacher need to guide student in searching a new knowledge and content.

3. What is the text literacy

Text literacy are written and readable materials that presenting information, designing materials and encourages diverse learners.

Resources: https://www.reference.com/art-literature/definition-literary-text-e2c4af15a7a79714